The Lichen Planus Landscape: 15 Dominant Details

5. Lichen Planus and Genetics: Family Ties That Bind

Lichen Planus and Genetics Family Ties That Bind

Is Lichen Planus hereditary? Delving into the world of genes and chromosomes provides insights into whether LP runs in families. The genetic tale of LP is like reading a family saga, spanning generations, with twists and turns.

Studies have shown that some individuals with LP have family members with the same condition. While this may point towards a hereditary connection, it’s not conclusive. Genetics is complex, and pinpointing a single ‘LP gene’ remains elusive.

However, certain genetic markers have been associated with an increased risk of LP. HLA genes, responsible for immune responses, have shown links to LP in some populations. It’s like a genetic signature, hinting at a predisposition. (5)

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