The Lowdown on Femoral Hernia and Why Women Should Care

4. Emergency Interventions: When Surgery is the Only Option

Emergency Interventions When Surgery is the Only Option

If you’ve been under the assumption that all hernias are treatable through non-invasive methods, it’s time for a reality check. In the realm of femoral hernias, surgical intervention is often the only viable treatment option. There’s no medication, physical therapy, or lifestyle change that can magically make a femoral hernia disappear.

Contrary to popular belief, “watchful waiting” is rarely advisable in femoral hernia cases. It’s not like you can pop an over-the-counter painkiller and call it a day. The risks are too high, and the window for effective non-surgical treatment is too narrow, if it even exists.

Why is surgery the first line of defense? Simply put, it’s all about location. The femoral canal, the home of the femoral hernia, is situated in an area that’s not easily accessible through less invasive means. Surgical methods like herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty are employed to not only remove the hernia but also to strengthen the femoral canal to prevent recurrence. (4)

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