6. Fatigue – The Underlying Companion of Myopathies

Often overlooked, fatigue is a common symptom of myopathies. It’s not merely a feeling of tiredness, but rather, a pervasive sense of exhaustion that doesn’t go away after rest or sleep. This type of fatigue extends beyond physical tiredness to impact cognitive and emotional health, causing difficulties in concentration, mood changes, and decreased motivation.
The connection between myopathies and fatigue is twofold. First, as myopathies affect the muscles, individuals may feel fatigued due to the extra effort needed to perform daily activities. Second, some forms of myopathy can impact the body’s metabolic processes, causing a generalized sense of fatigue.
Understanding fatigue as a symptom of myopathy is crucial, as it is often one of the earliest signs of the condition. Furthermore, it’s a symptom that significantly impacts an individual’s quality of life and daily functioning. Effective management of fatigue, which may include lifestyle modifications, stress management, and symptom-targeted therapies, can significantly improve quality of life for those living with myopathies. (6)