8. Loss of Balance – The Hidden Indicator of Myopathies

Loss of balance might not be an obvious symptom when considering myopathies. However, balance issues often emerge as the muscles become weaker and less coordinated. This lack of muscle coordination can affect an individual’s ability to maintain a steady stance or walk without stumbling.
This symptom is more prevalent in certain types of myopathy, such as distal myopathies, which affect the muscles farthest from the center of the body, like those of the hands and feet. Balance issues may also arise when myopathies affect the sensory nerves, disrupting the communication between the brain and muscles.
Recognizing and addressing balance issues is critical in preventing falls and related injuries.
Physical therapy, including balance training exercises, and using assistive devices, such as canes or walkers, can be valuable in maintaining mobility and independence. Additionally, making modifications around the home to prevent falls, like removing tripping hazards and installing grab bars, can enhance safety for individuals with myopathies.
Unexplained loss of balance or frequent falls are serious symptoms that warrant medical attention. These symptoms can provide crucial clues for medical professionals and contribute to a timely and accurate diagnosis of myopathy. Therefore, any significant change in balance or mobility should be reported to a healthcare provider. (8)