Fact 14. The Role of Validation Therapy

Validation therapy is another effective strategy for managing agitation in dementia. Developed by social worker Naomi Feil, validation therapy is a method for communicating with individuals with severe cognitive impairments. It involves acknowledging and validating the individual’s emotions, even if their perceptions of reality might be distorted due to dementia.
Instead of correcting or reorienting the individual to our reality, validation therapy seeks to enter their reality. It validates the individual’s feelings and experiences, fostering a sense of worth and reducing feelings of frustration and confusion, which can often lead to agitation.
For instance, if an individual with dementia is searching for their deceased spouse, instead of reminding them that their spouse is gone, validation therapy would involve acknowledging their feelings of loss and offering comfort. It might involve saying something like, “You miss your wife very much, don’t you? It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship.” (14)