The Real Deal on Gastroparesis: 10 Symptoms Revealed

3. Abdominal Pain: Beyond the Typical Stomachache

Abdominal Pain Beyond the Typical Stomachache

Abdominal pain as a symptom of gastroparesis takes ‘stomachache’ to an entirely different level. Imagine having an internal boxing match where your stomach and small intestine are the contenders. Yeah, it feels just like that—a full-blown brawl inside your gut.

But it’s not your run-of-the-mill pain. It’s visceral, meaning it originates from the organs themselves. Your stomach and intestines are lined with a network of nerves that, when irritated, send distress signals in the form of sharp or throbbing pain. It’s like your internal organs are waving a big red flag, only you can’t see it.

What sets this pain apart is its timing. You might notice it intensifies after meals, but it’s also inconsistent. You could have a sumptuous dinner one night and feel fine, but a simple sandwich the next day might trigger an episode. It’s like playing Russian roulette with your meals, never knowing which one will set off the pain. (3)

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