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4. Vomiting: When Your Stomach Hits the Eject Button

Vomiting When Your Stomach Hits the Eject Button

Let’s talk about the messy subject nobody wants to address: vomiting. It’s the most blatant and arguably the most distressing symptom on this list. When your stomach decides it’s had enough, it can quite literally force you to empty its contents.

Firstly, it’s important to note that this isn’t a casual, “I ate something bad” kind of vomiting. This is intense and frequent, creating an awful cycle where eating becomes a source of anxiety. It’s a symptom that wears you down, both physically and mentally, because the human body isn’t built to handle frequent episodes of vomiting.

The mechanics behind it are straightforward but daunting. Your stomach isn’t emptying, so it’s accumulating food and gastric juices. At some point, it’s like a dam bursting—it can’t hold back anymore. And when it does, it’s like a Vesuvius erupting inside you, sudden and fierce.(4)

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