The Subtle Signs: Top 10 Silent Thyroiditis Symptoms

2. Feeling Restless or Tired: The Energy Paradox

Feeling Restless or Tired The Energy Paradox

Feeling restless or tired all the time is another common symptom of silent thyroiditis. However, much like the fluctuations in weight, these changes in energy levels often occur in two contrasting phases.

Initially, during the hyperthyroid phase, you might find yourself feeling restless or overly energetic. But as the condition progresses to the hypothyroid phase, you might start to feel incessantly tired or fatigued.

In the hyperthyroid phase, your body might feel like it’s running on overdrive. With an overactive thyroid gland producing excess thyroid hormones, your metabolism speeds up, causing an overall increase in your body’s energy production. As a result, you might feel a surge in energy levels, often leading to restlessness and an inability to relax or sleep properly.

The impact of this energy surge can extend to various aspects of your life. You might find yourself unable to sit still, constantly fidgeting, or feeling the need to keep moving. At night, you might struggle with insomnia or frequent awakenings. This state of hyperactivity can also lead to heightened feelings of anxiety, nervousness, and irritability, adding to your overall discomfort.

As silent thyroiditis progresses into the hypothyroid phase, the pendulum of energy levels swings to the opposite extreme. With the underactive thyroid gland producing fewer thyroid hormones, your metabolism slows down, causing a decrease in your body’s energy production.

Consequently, you might start feeling excessively tired or fatigued, regardless of how much rest or sleep you get. You might find it challenging to get out of bed in the morning, feel sluggish throughout the day, or need frequent naps to make it through the day. Even simple, routine tasks might feel like a monumental effort, leaving you drained and exhausted. (2)

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