The Subtle Signs: Top 10 Silent Thyroiditis Symptoms

4. Changes in Menstrual Cycle: The Monthly Disruptions

Changes in Menstrual Cycle The Monthly Disruptions

For women, an undiagnosed silent thyroiditis condition can manifest itself through changes in the menstrual cycle. The thyroid gland, along with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, plays a significant role in regulating menstrual cycles. Any disruptions in thyroid function can consequently lead to menstrual irregularities.

In the hyperthyroid phase of silent thyroiditis, periods might become lighter and less frequent. You might find that your periods last fewer days than usual or that the flow is significantly lighter. There might also be more days between each cycle, leading to fewer periods over the year.

On the other hand, the hypothyroid phase can cause periods to become heavier and more frequent. You might notice that your periods last longer than usual or that the flow is particularly heavy. There might also be fewer days between each cycle, leading to more periods over the year. (4)

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