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Cause 8: Sleep Deprivation – More Than Just Fatigue

Sleep Deprivation - More Than Just Fatigue

Sleep, often taken for granted, is our body’s natural reset mechanism. It’s a time of restoration, healing, and consolidation of memories. The brain uses this period to rid itself of toxins, process information, and rejuvenate neural pathways. Missing out on this critical phase can have more severe repercussions than one might anticipate.

Continuous wakefulness or disrupted sleep patterns don’t just lead to physical fatigue; they wreak havoc on our cognitive functions. The brain’s neuronal activity becomes disorganized, neurotransmitter balance gets disrupted, and the neural pathways responsible for information processing can get overloaded. Such disruptions can lead to decreased attention span, irritability, and even hallucinations.

The signs of sleep deprivation extend beyond yawning and feeling drowsy. Individuals might experience mood swings, find it challenging to concentrate on tasks, or even forget simple things. Over time, this consistent lack of sleep can also weaken the immune system and increase the risk of chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.(8)

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