The Surprising Causes of Delirium: Unmasking 10 Leading Culprits

Cause 9: Severe Chronic Illness – The Wear and Tear on the Brain

Severe Chronic Illness - The Wear and Tear on the Brain

Chronic illnesses, whether it’s diabetes, heart disease, or renal issues, don’t just affect the specific organs they target. Their impact is systemic, influencing multiple bodily functions over prolonged periods. Over time, this sustained strain starts affecting cognitive functions, casting a shadow on mental health.

When chronic illnesses are left uncontrolled, they can lead to various biological imbalances. For example, unregulated diabetes can cause both hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). These extremes can lead to cognitive impairments, affecting memory, attention, and reasoning. Similarly, chronic kidney disease can allow toxins to build up in the blood, toxins that would typically be filtered out, but now pose a risk to brain health.

Before delirium sets in, there are often more subtle indications of cognitive decline. Individuals with chronic diseases might display increased forgetfulness, reduced attention span, or uncharacteristic mood swings. These early signs can be easy to dismiss or attribute to the stress of managing the illness, but they may be precursors to full-blown delirium. (9)

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