The Ten Sentinel Symptoms of Addison’s Disease in Children

5. Salt Craving: The Unusual Appetite for Sodium

Salt Craving The Unusual Appetite for Sodium

A child’s sudden hankering for salty snacks can seem like a quirk or a preference for savory over sweet. But when a child with Addison’s Disease reaches repeatedly for salt-laden foods, it’s more than just a taste they’re after; their body is trying to reclaim what it’s lacking. Adrenal insufficiency leads to a decrease in aldosterone, the hormone that helps maintain a balance of salt in the body.

This symptom may unfold quietly. You’ll notice more requests for chips or pretzels, an extra pinch of salt at dinner, or even drinking pickle juice. The child is not aware of why they’re drawn to these foods; they just know they seem to need them.

As their body loses sodium, they become dehydrated and their blood pressure can drop. This craving is their body’s attempt to correct the imbalance, to get back the sodium it’s losing. It’s a stop-gap measure, an instinctive reach for a mineral that is slipping through their fingers like sand.

Parents might limit these salty treats, thinking it’s unhealthy. But this natural inclination is a clue, a piece of evidence that points toward a disruption in their child’s adrenal function. It’s a call to scrutinize these cravings and understand the physiological demand behind them. (5)

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