The Ten Sentinel Symptoms of Addison’s Disease in Children

6. Dizziness and Low Blood Pressure: The Unsteady World

Dizziness and Low Blood Pressure The Unsteady World

When children with Addison’s Disease stand up, they might feel the world spin. Dizziness greets them, a brief but alarming sensation that the ground is tilting. It happens in a flash, as they get up from bed or rise from tying their shoelaces. It’s disorienting and scary.

This symptom is tied to low blood pressure or hypotension. Without enough aldosterone, their body can’t retain the sodium required to keep their blood pressure stable. It dips and dives, making them feel unsteady, weak, and potentially leading to fainting.

In the schoolyard, this might result in unexpected trips or falls. A child might pause and clutch at the wall after sprinting up the stairs. It’s a sign that’s easy to miss, often attributed to clumsiness or growing pains.

It’s essential to connect these dots, to understand that this isn’t a case of simply needing to ‘watch where you’re going.’ This symptom whispers of a need for medical attention, for a deeper look into why their stability is off-kilter. (6)

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