The Ten Sentinel Symptoms of Addison’s Disease in Children

7. Irritability and Depression: The Emotional Toll

Irritability and Depression The Emotional Toll

The emotional changes in a child with Addison’s can be stark. A once cheerful and resilient child might become irritable, quick to tears, or frustration. It’s not just a bad day or a phase; it’s as if their usual ability to bounce back from setbacks has been stolen away.

Depression is another quiet invader, sapping their joy. They might withdraw, show little interest in playdates, or sit out of games they used to love. Their world shrinks, and they can’t articulate why they feel so low.

It’s a stark reminder that Addison’s doesn’t just affect the body; it also shadows the mind. The lack of cortisol plays havoc with their mood, their emotions riding a rollercoaster they can’t control.

Parents might chalk it up to school stress or attribute it to a developmental stage. But it’s critical to heed these emotional signs as potential messengers of Addison’s, to offer support and seek help beyond reassurances and pep talks. (7)

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