The Top 10 Alarming Symptoms of Hemochromatosis in Women: Recognize Them Early!

9. Irregular Menstrual Cycle – Beyond Hormonal Imbalances

Irregular Menstrual Cycle - Beyond Hormonal Imbalances

Every woman knows her cycle. A little variation, now and then, is standard. But when regularity takes a backseat, it’s a concern. Hemochromatosis can be a sneaky culprit behind this.

Excess iron affects the ovaries. Hormone production goes haywire. Cycles become unpredictable. Some might experience heavier flows; others might miss periods altogether.

It’s easy to blame lifestyle or stress. But lurking in the shadows, iron overload could be meddling with the body’s natural processes.

Understanding this symptom is pivotal. For many women, it’s not just another missed period. It could be a sign, a hint of the iron chaos within. (9)

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