The Top 10 Early Signs of Colorectal Cancer: Recognizing the Warnings

10. A Sudden Urge to Defecate: When Nature’s Call Becomes Urgent

A Sudden Urge to Defecate When Nature's Call Becomes Urgent

Everyone knows the sensation of needing to use the restroom. However, if you suddenly find yourself experiencing intense, almost uncontrollable urges to defecate, it might be more than just an upset stomach or a reaction to something you ate.

Colorectal tumors can change the dynamics of the digestive tract. As they grow, they might irritate the rectum’s lining or even partially obstruct the bowel. This irritation or obstruction can send the body into an “emergency mode,” creating a sudden, pressing need to evacuate the bowels.

Another factor to consider is that the tumor might be causing inflammation or localized infections. The body’s natural response to such situations is to try and “flush out” the irritant, leading to urgency in bowel movements. Sometimes, this urgency can also be accompanied by diarrhea or looser stools, adding another layer to the symptomatology. (10)

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