The Top 10 Early Signs of Colorectal Cancer: Recognizing the Warnings

7. Uncharacteristic Stool Consistency: A Telling Sign from the Digestive Tract

Uncharacteristic Stool Consistency A Telling Sign from the Digestive Tract

While it may be a topic many shy away from, paying attention to the consistency, shape, and color of one’s stool can provide valuable insights into internal health. After all, stool is a direct byproduct of the digestive process. So, when its appearance alters dramatically without a clear dietary reason, it might be time to investigate further.

In the context of colorectal cancer, tumors or polyps can lead to both obstructive and non-obstructive changes in the colon or rectum. Obstructive changes can manifest in stools that are narrower than usual – sometimes described as “pencil-thin.” This is due to the tumor impeding the normal passage of stool.

On the non-obstructive side, the presence of mucus or an unusually soft, watery consistency can be a sign. The tumor may irritate the lining of the colon, leading to increased mucus production. Furthermore, if the tumor disrupts the colon’s water-absorption process, it can lead to chronic diarrhea or stools that are softer than usual. (7)

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