The Top 10 Early Signs of Colorectal Cancer: Recognizing the Warnings

9. Bright Red or Very Dark Stool: The Alarming Color Spectrum

Bright Red or Very Dark Stool The Alarming Color Spectrum

The color of one’s stool can be influenced by a variety of factors, including diet, medications, and hydration levels. However, noticing bright red or very dark, almost tar-like stools can be an immediate cause for concern, signaling potential bleeding within the digestive tract.

In the context of colorectal cancer, a tumor or polyp might bleed, leading to the presence of blood in the stool. If the bleeding source is located closer to the rectum or the end of the colon, the blood typically remains red, manifesting as bright red streaks in the stool or even blood after wiping. This kind of bleeding is usually more visible and can be easier to detect.

On the other hand, if the bleeding source is farther up the colon or in the small intestine, the blood has a longer journey before being expelled. It gets digested and broken down, resulting in a black, tarry appearance known as melena. This kind of stool has a distinct, often foul odor and is stickier than regular stool. (9)

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