The Top 10 Early Signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Recognizing the Onset

6. Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction: The Unspoken Challenge

Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction The Unspoken Challenge

Bladder symptoms emerge as some of the most distressing signs of MS. The urge to urinate might become frequent and unpredictable.

For some, it’s an incessant need, while for others, it’s an inability to hold onto urine. Nighttimes become particularly challenging, with sleep patterns disrupted by recurrent trips to the bathroom.

Complementing the bladder issues, bowel dysfunctions can manifest as either constipation or loss of bowel control. It’s not just a physical challenge; it’s an emotional and social ordeal. Planning outings or trips becomes a strategic game, always on the lookout for restrooms or managing diets to mitigate symptoms. (6)

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