The Top 10 Indicators of Wilson’s Disease: What You Need to Know

3. Hepatic Disturbances: The Liver’s Quiet Protest

Hepatic Disturbances The Liver's Quiet Protest

The liver, our body’s detox powerhouse, plays a crucial role in processing and eliminating substances. In Wilson’s Disease, however, its function gets compromised.

Excess copper, unable to leave the body, congregates in the liver. Over time, this accumulation causes liver damage, from inflammation to scar tissue.

Jaundice, fatigue, and swelling in the legs or abdomen might manifest. These aren’t just random occurrences. They’re the liver’s desperate signals, indicating it’s overwhelmed.

Although liver disturbances are common in several conditions, in the context of Wilson’s Disease, they take on heightened significance. The liver’s protests, in this case, underscore the urgency to check copper levels and act swiftly. (3)

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