The Top 10 Revealing Symptoms of Menetrier Disease

3. Nausea and Vomiting: The Unsettling Duo

Nausea and Vomiting The Unsettling Duo

Nausea, the perpetual feeling of unease, couples with vomiting to form a perturbing duo in Menetrier Disease. The stomach, with its altered lining, struggles to function seamlessly, making nausea a constant companion for the sufferers.

The mucus production surge is a significant contributor. As the stomach grapples with this excess, its acid production rhythm gets thrown off balance, leaving one feeling perpetually queasy. The altered stomach anatomy further complicates matters.

Due to the pronounced mucosal folds, there’s a hindrance in food passage. The blocked route forces the food to retract, resulting in vomiting. This repeated expelling of food and stomach acid isn’t without repercussions.

Apart from the evident discomfort, persistent vomiting can lead to dehydration. Essential electrolytes, crucial for various bodily functions, get depleted. Over time, this could jeopardize the body’s electrolyte balance, ushering in a slew of potential complications. (3)

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