The Top 10 Revealing Symptoms of Menetrier Disease

5. Diarrhea: The Troubling Torrent

Diarrhea The Troubling Torrent

Diarrhea, frequent and watery bowel movements, is another symptom patients with Menetrier Disease might contend with. The stomach’s altered physiology disrupts the digestive process, leading to the rapid expulsion of undigested food.

The stomach’s heightened mucus production can be a significant contributor. This mucus, making its way into the intestines, can act as a laxative, leading to diarrhea. Moreover, the protein loss we discussed earlier? It can pull water into the intestines, further exacerbating diarrhea.

Chronic diarrhea, apart from being distressing, has its set of complications. There’s the obvious risk of dehydration, but there’s more. Essential minerals and nutrients are expelled, leading to deficiencies. (5)

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