The Top 10 Symptoms of Angioedema (Quincke’s Edema) Every Individual Should Recognize

5. Itchy Skin: The Persistent Prickle

Itchy Skin The Persistent Prickle

While angioedema is often associated with swelling and more severe symptoms, itchy skin stands out as one of its more “mundane” manifestations. However, anyone who’s experienced it will attest to its persistent and troubling nature.

This itching isn’t random. It’s a direct result of the body’s histamine release in response to an allergen or irritant. Histamine, while essential in the body’s defense mechanism, can cause itching when released in significant amounts.

But here’s the kicker: the itching can sometimes precede more severe symptoms. Thus, it serves as an early warning system of sorts, indicating that something’s amiss. Paying heed to this symptom, especially when accompanied by other markers of angioedema, is crucial. (5)

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