The Top 10 Symptoms of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Every Adult Should Know

10. Frequent Nosebleeds: When the Drips Aren’t Just a Nuisance

Frequent Nosebleeds When the Drips Aren’t Just a Nuisance

Nosebleeds can be triggered by various factors, ranging from dry air to allergies. However, if you find yourself experiencing nosebleeds more frequently and with less apparent reason, it may be a symptom of CLL.

Frequent nosebleeds could be a sign of a lowered platelet count, which is a common occurrence in CLL. Platelets help blood to clot, and when their levels are down, even a minor nosebleed can turn into a prolonged episode.

You might start to notice that your nosebleeds are less provoked by common triggers like dry weather or sneezing. The bleeding could occur spontaneously, and the duration to stop it might extend longer than usual. In some cases, these nosebleeds might occur simultaneously with other symptoms like easy bruising or gum bleeding, raising the red flag even higher.

Seasonal allergies can indeed cause nosebleeds due to frequent sneezing and nasal irritation. But when nosebleeds become recurrent and increasingly hard to control, it’s time to consider other underlying causes. (10)

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