The Top 10 Symptoms of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Every Adult Should Know

6. Shortness of Breath: When a Simple Walk Feels Like a Marathon

Shortness of Breath When a Simple Walk Feels Like a Marathon

If you’re huffing and puffing after a simple walk, it’s not necessarily because you’re out of shape. Shortness of breath can be a sign that your body is working harder to circulate oxygen-rich blood, possibly due to a CLL-related anemia.

The feeling might start subtly; you may find yourself getting winded quicker than usual or needing to take frequent breaks during physical activities. Even climbing a set of stairs might leave you gasping for air, something you never experienced before.

While it’s easy to chalk this up to poor fitness, the truth is that anemia-related shortness of breath won’t improve with exercise; it’ll likely get worse. Moreover, you may also experience this symptom while at rest, another red flag that something deeper could be at play.

Experiencing a consistent shortness of breath that seems out of proportion to your activity level is cause for concern. Especially when coupled with other symptoms, such as fatigue or weight loss, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation. (6)

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