The Top 10 Symptoms of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Every Adult Should Know

8. Pallor: When Your Skin Loses Its Glow

Pallor When Your Skin Loses Its Glow

When you look in the mirror and notice that your face has lost its color, you might initially attribute it to a bad night’s sleep or stress. However, when this pallor persists, becoming a new norm rather than a fleeting moment, it’s a cause for concern.

This change in complexion might be more than just skin-deep; it could be a symptom of CLL-related anemia. The disease interferes with your body’s ability to produce red blood cells, the agents responsible for carrying oxygen to various tissues. When these are in short supply, your skin can turn pale, indicating a deeper issue within your body.

You might observe this loss of color not just on your face but also on your gums, lips, and the inner lining of your eyelids. Your friends and family might start asking if you’re feeling okay, noting that you “look pale.”

You might also notice that your skin bruises more easily, or that wounds take longer to heal. Because anemia can affect various parts of the body, you could even start feeling physically weaker and more susceptible to fatigue.(8)

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