2. Stomach Cramps: The Gut-Wrenching Reality of Gastroenteritis

Stomach cramps can be debilitating. Anyone who’s experienced the severe pangs of pain associated with gastroenteritis knows it’s no laughing matter.
Initially, these cramps often start as a dull ache. It’s the kind of pain you might brush off, assuming it’s just gas or some minor stomach upset. But, as the condition progresses, the aches can turn into sharp, sporadic pains that grip your abdomen.
But why do these cramps happen? It all boils down to inflammation again. The pathogens responsible for gastroenteritis irritate the stomach and intestine walls. In response, the muscles in these organs contract more frequently and intensely, leading to cramps.
Another factor to consider is the body’s natural defense mechanisms. In an attempt to rid itself of harmful invaders, the stomach might increase its acidity, further irritating the lining and intensifying cramps. (2)