Symptom 7: Unilateral Appearance

In the body’s symmetrical layout, anomalies that appear only on one side tend to raise more eyebrows. OHL, in many instances, displays a penchant for such unilateral presentations. Unlike some other conditions that might uniformly spread across the oral cavity, OHL can often be localized to one side.
The lateral borders of the tongue are the typical stomping grounds of OHL. Now, while bilateral appearances aren’t unheard of, the unilateral manifestation has a peculiar significance. The reason behind this isn’t fully understood, but it’s speculated that local factors, including tissue susceptibility or minor oral injuries, might create a more conducive environment for the Epstein-Barr virus on one side.
The one-sided nature of OHL serves as a diagnostic clue. While it isn’t an exclusive feature, in the context of other symptoms, it can help differentiate OHL from conditions that usually have a more symmetrical presentation.
One common concern is the potential for the condition to ‘jump’ sides. While OHL primarily starts unilaterally, without appropriate management or in prolonged cases, there’s a possibility of it spreading to the other side.(7)