7. Numbness in Parts of the Face: The Silent Deadening

Facial numbness can be disconcerting. Imagine touching your face and not feeling the usual sensation or experiencing a diminished sense of touch. For MEC patients, this can become a reality, especially if the carcinoma affects the nerves supplying the face.
As MEC grows, it can invade or compress neighboring structures, including the intricate network of nerves in the face. The trigeminal nerve, responsible for facial sensations, can be particularly vulnerable. Once affected, it can lead to numbness in certain areas of the face.
It’s vital to differentiate between numbness due to benign reasons like temporary nerve compression (like sleeping in a particular position) and that due to MEC. The former is transient, while the latter is persistent and might be accompanied by other symptoms.
Persistent facial numbness, especially if localized to one side or a specific region, should prompt a visit to a neurologist or an ENT specialist. They can carry out detailed assessments to determine the cause and suggest appropriate interventions. (7)