7. Facial Pain or Discomfort: More Than Just a Simple Ache
For someone suffering from sialolithiasis, the pain isn’t just generalized. It’s often a localized discomfort around the affected salivary gland, whether it be the parotid, submandibular, or sublingual gland. The intensity might vary but often escalates during mealtimes, as previously mentioned.
The pain doesn’t stem directly from the stone itself. Instead, it’s the accumulated saliva behind the stone’s obstruction that causes glandular swelling and subsequent pain. When the gland is stimulated during eating, the increased saliva production with nowhere to go exacerbates the discomfort.
Continuous pain or discomfort can lead to a cascade of secondary symptoms. It might cause one to eat less, lead to headaches, or even radiate to adjacent areas, making the individual suspect other problems like dental issues.
Over-the-counter pain relievers might offer temporary relief. However, targeting the stone, whether through medical interventions or home remedies like gland massages, is crucial to resolving the pain permanently. (7)