The Top 10 Symptoms of Sialolithiasis: Navigating Salivary Calculi

9. Fever: The Body’s Alarm System

Fever The Body's Alarm System

While a stone itself might not cause a fever, the subsequent infections, as discussed earlier, can. Fever is the body’s natural response to fight off infections, making it a crucial symptom to monitor.

A fever due to sialolithiasis is often accompanied by other systemic signs. Fatigue, chills, malaise, and even body aches can ensue, making the individual feel generally unwell.

While fevers are a common response to many ailments, when paired with other sialolithiasis symptoms, they shouldn’t be ignored. It’s indicative of the body’s escalating battle against the infection.

Antibiotics and antipyretics (fever-reducing medications) are the immediate interventions. However, addressing the underlying stone is essential to prevent recurrent episodes. (9)

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