The Top 10 Tell-Tale Signs of Volvulus: What You Need to Know

Sign 10: Tenderness in the Abdomen

Tenderness in the Abdomen

Tenderness in the abdomen isn’t just about feeling pain. It’s a sensation that something’s “off”. It’s a heightened sensitivity where even light touches or slight pressure can induce discomfort or pain. This tenderness often stands as a body’s silent SOS, signaling internal issues that might not yet have other overt symptoms.

Volvulus doesn’t just obstruct; it squeezes and twists. This physical contortion exerts pressure on the surrounding tissues. Moreover, as blood supply gets compromised, tissues might begin to get inflamed or even start dying, causing the surrounding areas to become hypersensitive and tender.

While tenderness can be generalized, in cases of volvulus, it often localizes to the area above the twisted segment. For doctors, this localized tenderness can act as a guide, helping them narrow down the affected intestinal section and plan interventions more effectively.

While the immediate sensation is of pain or discomfort, abdominal tenderness can be indicative of more severe issues. If tissues are dying or there’s an onset of an infection, this tenderness can quickly escalate to severe pain, necessitating immediate medical attention.

As with any symptom, the key lies in not dismissing it. If you or someone you know experiences sudden and unexplained abdominal tenderness, especially if paired with other signs like bloating or difficulty in passing gas, it’s time to consult a medical expert. Early diagnosis can prevent complications and ensure a smoother road to recovery. (10)

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