Sign 8: Fever

Fever is the body’s age-old response to invaders. When battling an infection or inflammation, our body’s internal thermostat shoots up. In the case of volvulus, the fever is symptomatic of the body’s attempt to ward off potential infections or to respond to inflammation caused by tissue damage.
As the twisted portion of the intestine starts to suffer from reduced blood flow, the tissues may begin to die off, leading to a localized infection or sepsis. This prompts the body to raise its temperature in an attempt to fight off this infection.
Fever, on its own, can be linked to numerous ailments. But when it’s coupled with symptoms like severe abdominal pain or bloody stool, it narrows down the list. Accompanying chills, night sweats, or an unexplained drop in appetite can further emphasize the gravity of the situation.
If unchecked, a prolonged fever can be harmful. It can dehydrate the body, lead to delirium, and in severe cases, cause febrile seizures. It’s not just about the number on the thermometer; it’s about understanding its association with other concurrent symptoms.
Never dismiss a fever as just another minor hiccup, especially when it’s paired with other symptoms indicative of volvulus. Consulting a healthcare professional at the earliest can help address the root cause and provide appropriate relief. (8)