Symptom 2: Nausea and Vomiting

For many patients with atrophic gastritis, nausea becomes an unwelcome constant. This isn’t the fleeting queasiness that might arise from a bumpy car ride. This nausea lingers, overshadowing daily activities and routines. With the stomach’s deteriorating lining, its ability to process and break down foods diminishes, leading to this overwhelming nauseated feeling.
The human body is designed to protect itself, and in its attempt to rid itself of what it perceives as harmful, it may resort to vomiting. This is especially true if one consumes foods that aggravate the already inflamed stomach lining.
It’s worth noting that this isn’t an isolated symptom. Nausea and vomiting, especially when persistent, can lead to dehydration, an imbalance of electrolytes, and even weight loss. It’s a domino effect of complications stemming from the primary issue.
Socially, this symptom poses challenges. Simple pleasures like enjoying a meal out become daunting tasks. And the unpredictability of a vomiting episode can lead to anxiety about being in public places. (2)