The Underrated Indicators: 10 Symptoms of Amelogenesis Imperfecta

Symptom 5: Enamel Pitting

Enamel Pitting

At first glance, the surface of our teeth might appear smooth. But for those with amelogenesis imperfecta, a closer look might reveal a different story. Enamel pitting is a common symptom. These are tiny depressions or grooves on the enamel surface, often resembling the surface of an orange peel.

While these pits might be microscopic, their impact isn’t. These tiny grooves can become harboring spots for bacteria. This not only increases the risk of cavities but can also lead to bad breath and other dental complications. Moreover, these pits can become more pronounced over time, leading to a roughened texture that’s both visible and palpable.

Regular dental cleaning can help in managing the bacterial build-up in these pits. However, preventive measures like sealants or even restorative procedures might be necessary in more pronounced cases. These pits are also an undeniable sign of the enamel’s compromised integrity. (5)

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