The Unseen Aftermath of Childbirth: 10 Symptoms of Postpartum Thyroiditis Every New Mom Should Know

3. Mood Swings: The Emotional Rollercoaster

Mood Swings The Emotional Rollercoaster

New motherhood is an emotional rollercoaster ride. One moment, you’re on top of the world, marveling at the miracle you’ve created. The next, you’re a tearful mess, overwhelmed by the enormity of your new responsibilities.

Such mood swings are entirely normal and usually chalked up to the “baby blues”. But when these mood swings become severe and prolonged, it might be more than just baby blues; it could be a sign of postpartum thyroiditis.

When we talk about postpartum thyroiditis-related mood swings, we’re referring to sudden, drastic changes in mood that seem out of proportion to the situation at hand. It’s the kind of emotional volatility that leaves you feeling like you’re on shaky ground, never knowing when you’ll swing from joy to despair.

These mood swings can be severe, disruptive, and often frightening. They can make you feel out of control, adding to the stress and uncertainty of navigating new motherhood.

Moreover, these mood swings are often accompanied by irritability, another symptom of postpartum thyroiditis. You might find yourself snapping at your partner over minor issues or getting excessively annoyed at things that would usually not bother you.

Now, mood swings in the postpartum period are reasonably common, with up to 80% of new moms experiencing baby blues. These feelings typically peak around five days after childbirth and then gradually decrease over a week or two. However, if you find that your mood swings are lasting longer and feel more intense than what you’d expect from the baby blues, it’s essential to take note. (3)

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