The Unseen Aftermath of Childbirth: 10 Symptoms of Postpartum Thyroiditis Every New Mom Should Know

7. Difficulty Concentrating: Not Just Mommy Brain

Difficulty Concentrating Not Just Mommy Brain

Most new moms are familiar with the phenomenon jokingly referred to as “mommy brain.” It’s the forgetfulness and brain fog that seems to accompany the transition to motherhood. While it’s easy to attribute any cognitive blips to being a tired, busy new mom, if you’re finding it challenging to concentrate or if your memory problems seem to be increasing, it could be a symptom of postpartum thyroiditis.

Postpartum thyroiditis can lead to cognitive difficulties, including problems with focus, memory, and attention. This cognitive fog isn’t the typical forgetfulness where you misplace your keys or forget an appointment. It’s a consistent feeling of being mentally “cloudy”, which can affect your ability to perform even simple tasks.

The link between thyroid function and cognition is well-documented. Thyroid hormones play a vital role in brain function, affecting various cognitive processes like attention, memory, and processing speed.

In postpartum thyroiditis, the inflammation of the thyroid gland can disrupt its normal function, leading to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Both conditions can cause cognitive difficulties. (7)

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