The Unseen Aftermath of Childbirth: 10 Symptoms of Postpartum Thyroiditis Every New Mom Should Know

9. Fatigue: Beyond Normal New Mom Tiredness

Fatigue Beyond Normal New Mom Tiredness

As a new mom, it’s normal to feel tired. After all, you’re dealing with the physical recovery from childbirth, the demands of a newborn, and the disrupted sleep that comes with it. However, if you’re feeling consistently exhausted, despite getting enough rest, it could be a symptom of postpartum thyroiditis.

The fatigue associated with postpartum thyroiditis isn’t your typical tiredness. It’s a profound sense of exhaustion that doesn’t seem to improve with rest.

You might find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning or struggle to stay awake during the day. This fatigue can interfere with your daily activities and affect your ability to care for your baby.

The reason for this symptom again lies in the role of thyroid hormones in controlling our body’s energy levels. During the hypothyroidism phase of postpartum thyroiditis, the lack of these hormones can slow your metabolism and lead to lower energy levels, manifesting as fatigue. (9)

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