Symptom 8: Digestive Problems: The Gut Connection in Fibromyalgia

Digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), are frequently reported in individuals with fibromyalgia. These gastrointestinal symptoms can range from constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, to bloating, adding another layer of complexity to the management of fibromyalgia.
The onset of digestive problems in fibromyalgia can be gradual. It might start with occasional discomfort or irregular bowel movements, eventually progressing to persistent symptoms that align with IBS. There might be periods of remission, where symptoms seem to improve, only to be followed by a flare-up, contributing to the unpredictable nature of fibromyalgia.
This gut-brain connection in fibromyalgia is thought to be linked to the concept of central sensitization, where the nervous system is in a state of high reactivity, leading to increased pain and symptom perception. This heightened sensitivity can extend to the gut, resulting in a range of digestive symptoms. (8)