The Unseen Enemy: 10 Tell-Tale Signs of Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Sign 10. Fatigue – The Unseen Burden of ALS

Fatigue - The Unseen Burden of ALS

Finally, fatigue is a common symptom in ALS, one that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Fatigue in ALS is a pervasive, persistent sense of tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest. It’s a feeling of exhaustion that affects both the body and mind, making everyday tasks and activities feel monumental.

Fatigue in ALS can be caused by a combination of factors including muscle weakness, breathing difficulties, poor sleep, and the mental toll of living with a chronic illness. It can impact all areas of life, including physical capabilities, cognitive function, emotional wellbeing, and social interactions.

While fatigue can be a challenging symptom to manage, there are strategies that can help. This can include energy conservation techniques, scheduling regular rest periods throughout the day, maintaining a healthy diet, getting regular exercise within individual limits, and addressing any underlying issues like poor sleep or depression.

Overall, living with ALS requires adapting to a new reality, one that includes managing an array of symptoms like the ones we’ve detailed here. However, with early recognition, medical intervention, and a robust support system, individuals with ALS can lead fulfilling lives despite the diagnosis. (10)

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