The Unveiled Truth: 10 Symptoms of Primary Peritoneal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

9. Change in Bowel Habits: The Indicator We Often Overlook

Change in Bowel Habits The Indicator We Often Overlook

If you’re experiencing persistent changes in bowel habits, you might be tempted to write it off as poor digestion or stress. But, if the condition lingers, it may be an indicator of something as serious as Primary Peritoneal Cancer (PPC). Whether it’s constipation, diarrhea, or alternating between the two, any deviation from your normal bowel movement pattern that lasts for more than a few weeks warrants investigation.

The peritoneum envelops several abdominal organs, including the intestines. PPC’s effect on bowel habits can stem from the pressure that cancerous cells or tumors exert on the intestines.

Additionally, PPC can also lead to the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites), further squeezing the intestines and causing irregularities in bowel movements. Fluid and tumor mass can lead to partial or full intestinal obstruction, making regular bowel movements virtually impossible.

Changes in bowel habits don’t just create discomfort; they can significantly impact your quality of life. Constipation may lead to abdominal pain and bloating, while frequent diarrhea can result in dehydration and fatigue.

These symptoms can interfere with your work, social life, and mental well-being. Constantly worrying about the availability of a restroom can make social interactions stressful and limit your ability to enjoy life freely.(9)

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