The What and Why Behind Celiac Disease: 10 Leading Causes

10. Modern Diet & Processed Foods: The Culprits We Often Overlook

Modern Diet & Processed Foods The Culprits We Often Overlook

Today’s plates look vastly different from those a century ago. Modern diets, laden with processed foods, might be playing a subtle yet significant role in celiac disease prevalence. Let’s decode this dietary shift and its implications.

Processed foods, with their additives and altered structures, can sometimes irritate the gut. For instance, modified gluten in baked goods might be more reactive than its natural counterpart. It’s not just the gluten; other additives might disrupt gut functions, laying the groundwork for disorders like celiac.

Moreover, our shift from whole to refined foods has deprived the gut of essential fibers and nutrients. This deprivation can weaken gut health over time, making it more prone to sensitivities and disorders.

The broader shift towards a westernized diet, with its reliance on processed and fast foods, might be indirectly elevating celiac risks. This doesn’t mean modern foods are “bad,” but a balanced perspective is essential. Recognizing potential dietary triggers allows individuals to make informed choices, fostering optimal gut health. (10)

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