Throat Cancer: 15 Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore

Symptom 14: Changes in Taste: When Flavors Fade

Changes in Taste When Flavors Fade

A change in your sense of taste might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of throat cancer, but it can indeed be a symptom. Some people with throat cancer report a dulling of their taste buds or even a complete loss of taste.

These changes can be subtle at first, perhaps just a slight shift in how your favorite foods taste. Over time, though, they can become more pronounced, and you might find that foods you once loved now taste different or even unpalatable.

It’s worth noting that changes in taste can also be a side effect of other conditions or treatments, such as certain medications or radiation therapy. It’s also a common symptom of aging. However, if you notice a sudden or significant change in your sense of taste, especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms on this list, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional.(14)

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