Throat Cancer: 15 Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore

Symptom 15: Chronic Sinus Infections: When Sinusitis Persists

Chronic Sinus Infections When Sinusitis Persists

The final symptom on our list is chronic sinus infections, specifically when sinusitis persists. While sinus infections are a common occurrence for many individuals, chronic and recurrent sinusitis can be a potential sign of an underlying condition, including throat cancer.

Sinusitis refers to the inflammation of the sinus cavities, typically caused by infections, allergies, or structural abnormalities. In most cases, sinusitis resolves with appropriate treatment and care. However, when sinus infections become persistent, recurring frequently despite medical intervention, it’s time to consider other potential causes, such as throat cancer.

Throat cancer can obstruct the normal drainage of the sinus cavities, leading to a buildup of mucus and subsequent infections. The chronic nature of these infections may manifest as ongoing congestion, facial pressure, pain, or tenderness around the sinuses.(15)

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