7. Diarrhea and Abdominal Pain: The Digestive Distress

Turning our attention to the digestive system, we find the seventh symptom: diarrhea and abdominal pain. This isn’t the usual stomach upset that passes with time; it’s an acute distress, as if your digestive tract is in open rebellion.
The pain can be sharp, a cramping that grips and twists, while the diarrhea is persistent, refusing to relent. Eating becomes a challenge, and nourishment a distant thought when your body rejects even the simplest of meals.
Here, the thyroid hormones are once again the culprits, speeding up digestive processes to a frenetic pace. The normal absorption of nutrients is disrupted, and your intestines protest with pain and urgency.
The impact on your overall health is significant. Nutritional deficits loom as your body fails to hold onto the essentials. Dehydration is a persistent threat, making an already dire situation even more perilous. (7)