Top 10 Causes of Crohn’s Disease: A Deep Dive into the Triggers

10. Previous Surgical Procedures: Unintended Consequences

Previous Surgical Procedures Unintended Consequences

Past surgeries, especially those involving the gastrointestinal tract, might set the stage for Crohn’s in some cases.

Surgical interventions can alter the balance of the gut microbiome. This disruption, in some cases, might pave the way for Crohn’s in individuals with other risk factors.

Surgeries might change the physical landscape of the gut, influencing how contents move through it. Stasis or altered movement can promote inflammation and potentially contribute to Crohn’s onset.

Any surgery carries risks, including infections or complications. Such challenges might act as triggers or exacerbating factors for Crohn’s.

For those with a history of gut surgeries and a family history of Crohn’s, regular screenings and preventive care might be essential to catch and manage the disease early. (10)

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