Top 10 Causes of Crohn’s Disease: A Deep Dive into the Triggers

2. The Immune System: Protective Yet Potentially Harmful

The Immune System Protective Yet Potentially Harmful

At its core, the immune system’s role is to defend the body. However, sometimes, it can be the instigator of problems, including Crohn’s.

While the immune system typically targets and neutralizes foreign invaders, in Crohn’s, it might mistakenly attack the body’s own cells, particularly those in the digestive tract. This misguided assault is a primary driver of the inflammation characteristic of the disease.

Some theories posit that Crohn’s is essentially an autoimmune condition. This means the immune system, due to various triggers, starts recognizing certain parts of the digestive tract as threats, launching an inflammatory response.

Factors like infections, diet, or even certain medications might set off this immune overreaction. Identifying these triggers and understanding how they interact with the immune system is vital for both prevention and management.

It’s not just the initial immune response that’s problematic. The resultant inflammation can cause a cascade of issues, damaging the intestinal lining, leading to symptoms like pain, diarrhea, and even ulcers. (2)

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