Top 10 Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) That You Need to Know

Cause 4. Pregnancy: The Increased Demand for Iron

Pregnancy The Increased Demand for Iron

Pregnancy is a time of massive change in the body, and one of these changes is an increased demand for iron. This vital mineral is essential not only for the expectant individual’s health but also for the developing fetus and the production of additional blood needed during this time.

The heightened need for iron can make it challenging to maintain sufficient iron levels, even with a well-balanced diet. Without adequate supplementation, the risk of developing IDA during pregnancy increases significantly.

This increased demand doesn’t end with childbirth. Iron is also crucial for breastfeeding, further extending the period of increased iron need. It’s thus important for expectant and nursing individuals to monitor their iron levels closely.

In many cases, iron supplementation is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This, combined with a diet rich in iron, can help manage the increased demand and reduce the risk of IDA.

Pregnancy poses unique challenges when it comes to maintaining adequate iron levels. Understanding these challenges and taking appropriate steps can help ensure the health of both the expectant individual and their child. (4)

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