Top 10 Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) That You Need to Know

Cause 5. Growth Spurts in Children: The Iron-Intensive Developmental Phase

Growth Spurts in Children The Iron-Intensive Developmental Phase

Children are a demographic particularly susceptible to iron deficiency anemia. One key reason for this is the rapid growth phases they undergo, especially during infancy and adolescence. These growth spurts demand increased iron to support the expansion of blood volume and muscle mass.

In early childhood, the risk is further heightened as the iron stores inherited at birth begin to deplete. This risk is particularly significant in children who are either premature or of low birth weight, as their iron reserves are lower to start with.

Furthermore, children can be notoriously picky eaters. A diet that lacks iron-rich foods can leave these growing bodies struggling to meet their increased iron needs. It’s crucial, therefore, to ensure children consume an iron-rich diet or receive appropriate iron supplementation.

Growth spurts in children create a heightened demand for iron, necessitating focused efforts to meet these demands. With balanced nutrition and careful monitoring, it’s possible to support children through these iron-intensive developmental phases and help prevent IDA.  (5)

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