Top 10 Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) That You Need to Know

Cause 9. Frequent or Intense Exercise: The Iron-Depleting Workout

Frequent or Intense Exercise The Iron-Depleting Workout

While regular exercise is a cornerstone of good health, intense or prolonged physical activity can sometimes contribute to iron deficiency anemia. This is due to several factors, including increased iron loss through sweat and the exercise-induced hemolysis, or the destruction of red blood cells during high-impact physical activity, known as foot-strike hemolysis.

Furthermore, individuals who engage in frequent or intense exercise often have higher iron needs than the general population. The demand for iron can outstrip the supply, especially if their diet isn’t providing enough of this vital mineral.

In addition to hemolysis, intense exercise may cause gastrointestinal bleeding, further contributing to iron deficiency. Athletes should be mindful of their iron intake, ensuring they consume sufficient iron-rich foods or supplements to meet their increased iron requirements.

To manage IDA risk in the context of intense exercise, athletes and regular exercisers are often advised to monitor their iron levels closely and consider dietary changes or supplementation if needed. Regular rest periods can also help the body recover and replenish its iron stores.

Frequent or intense exercise presents a unique challenge when it comes to maintaining iron balance. But with careful management, it’s entirely possible to lead an active lifestyle without compromising one’s iron health. (9)

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